Saturday, July 25, 2009

Purpose Of Life And Death

Truly speaking it is quite natural & essential for us to know what is the real purpose of life and death? Is it only to eat , drink and make merry as people commonly perceive it to be?
Let me clearly state, it is definitely not. It has a much higher goal than this.

As abyasis of Sri Ram Chandra, we all are aware that Sri Babuji maharaj has set our highest goal of life as " To Realise The Ultimate " and the purpose of death "To get Freedom From Rebirth" i.e, to break the bondage of death forever.
We are also aware that the events of birth, life & death are linked with our physical body,(which means the five destructive physical elements). This physical body does not conform to our real form.
Shri Babuji maharaj quite often said,'abyasis come to see me, but they go back 'without really seeing me'. By this he meant that the ultimate reality which we have to see and realise is beyond the physical body.
He said, that the reality of human beings is covered under numerous layers of coverings of our samskaras -worldy impressions. Only through our sincere and honest practise of meditation, (sadhana), prescribed under sahaj marg system, these coverings are gradually removed and a feeling of 'nearness' to him in our inner, begins.
This subsequently results in our deep absorbancy in his rememberance and finally laya awasta (merging) in the divine personality of Shri Babuji maharaj is attained. Keping the abyasi within his divine sankalp shri babuji takes him to the ultimate reality.How he actually takes the abyasi to this ultimate goal providing direct experiences, feeling the subtlest conditions of each and every stage has been described by me, by his benevolence in the five volumes of Anant yatra.
If we can have inner laya in our sadhana,in such a way that our materialistic coverings get dissolved in it, then our death wil get immortality.It is the highest condition of 'Forgetfullness of self'. We forget our physical existance in such away that our mind never recollects or feels an impulse of it.
It breaks the bondage of death forever and the soul becomes free & the real purpose of life is achieved . Shri babuji has always emphasized the abyasis to devlop intense craving and deep absorbancy in meditation for attaining the highest condition of "Forgetfullness".
Saint kabir has also said " Do such an act (live such a life)that death could never be multiplied".

I fully recollect the day i wrote to shri babuji," i do not know what wonder my master has done for me that at whatever condition i am , whenever i look at my physical self, it seems as if it is a moving skeleton, with which i have no relationship".Whenever anyone calls "Kasturi", i do not know who replies "yes". I'am never aware of it. This condition of forgetfulness, is an indication that our condition has been transformed into it's original pious, ego-less state.
"It is in this condition that the problem of death should never come again", and this divine condition appears in our vision.
Subsequently shri babuji maharaj begins to unfold the real purpose of life. i.e, freedom from life,which according to him means we should return back to our original home, from where we had come.
This secret of reality of life, begins to reveal and the path is opened before us. We also constantly get a feeling of patting from Shri Babuji maharaj's gracious hands on our foreheads.
Do you know why, mearly it is because in this 'lifeless life' or 'ego less life' , no one else comes within our focus except him and then we go so deep in this feeling that a natural craving persists that 'where ever i see , there u are'.
This being the beginning of the condition of real surrender.Master says, "Surrender is not made-it comes naturally".
It is for this reason, that now we become incapable to link ourselves with thoughts or feelings. Thereafter whatever condition felt, comes in the course of surrender, naturally.
Even today, i recollect i wrote to babuji maharaj, that it seems to me that whatever coverings of ego were in me, were removed, and i feel, as if i have become a divine form.Then, when i felt this highest condition,which after just giving a feeling of touch to me, it (merged)laya in babuji maharaj, and i was just standing there taken aback.

Truly speaking, the reality is, in the history of spirituality that there is no mention of how one can realize this higher stage from where I have come, that being, the Ultimate-Origin.
It is an indication of the fact that ever since the dawn of creation, no one has reached that stage.
Saint Kabir, after attaining god realization condition has only said, “In between the limited and unlimited he has taken a lasting rest”
In his religious compositions, (Bhajans) he has only described his divine experiences upto the condition of God realization only.

Through the practice of sahaj marg sadhana at the divine feet of our beloved Sri Babuji Maharaj, when I had attained the divine condition of realization, sri babuji gave me a dip in the godly power and put me in satyapad and awakened divine consciousness in me.
Only then I could find myself drowned in the condition of ‘Parshad’ and I was standing like a watchman at the door of ‘Central region’, which was before me as an ‘Infinite Ocean Of Divinity’.
When shri Babuji maharaj took me in his heart and made my entry into the Central region, he wrote to me saying, “I’ am happy that you have entered the Central region”.
This is my lalaji’s benevolence and careful attention for you that you have been bestowed with entry into this higher region. Although the only precondition for an abyasi to become capable of getting entry onto this region is laya awasta, which means that neither ‘self’ (khud) is there, nor the godly condition (khudhai) is there. It is in this divine condition, an abyasi becomes capable of gaining entry in the central region. It is needless to mention that this unique divine condition is only bestowed on us by Sri Babuji Maharaj. Firstly, he removes our ego and bestows laya awasta in himself and then gives us ‘Realisation of the Ultimate’. There after he wrote to me, ‘the purpose of life is now solved’.

Dear brother’s and sister’s, Sri Babuji’s gracious benevolent loving hands are even today waiting to take you within his fold. Avail the opportunity of this unique time, so that the purpose of life and death maybe solved forever.
May he bless all of you with requisite devotion and dedication to attain this goal.

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